Try this amazing Energetic Recharge for your Sacral Chakra!
45 minuti45 minuti
20 sterline britanniche
20 £
ThePositive.Energy - Remote Services
Descrizione del servizio
With Reiki being "Universal Life Force" time and space are not barrier. Reiki can be transmitted in the past, future and in any existing place.
- It can be used to send energy through space, in any given place
- It can be used to deal with a past traumatic experience dealing with the effect that it has had on your emotions and the way you interpret what happened
- It can be used to deal with future activity, Reiki can be sent to a specific place and time and store up like a battery. Its healing energy descends down to surround and helps you when the time comes
Further details need to be discussed prior the session takes place
Regole di annullamento
To cancel or reschedule, please contact me 24h before the session