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My Life-Force energy services

I dedicate a big part of myself and my life to making others feel a little better, to be an empty channel for the life-force energy.

Let me be the link for you to connect to it, just for one session.


What makes me do it is to see how people change after a session with me. They leave happier, more joyful, relaxed, focused, connected, wise, and feeling more alive.

Is it the spiritual chat we have? Is it the music I use during the session? Could it be the essential oils I use? Is it simply the time spent in pure relaxation knowing for once you can fully let go, for just a short moment? Is it the therapeutic calm touch of another human being? Or maybe the opportunity to connect with your true self?

Is it the exchange of life force energy happening?

Now receiving in-studio at different London locations or in the comfort of your home, workplace or office!

pre-booking is necessary, if the day and time slot you are looking for is not available online, try to contact me directly to arrange your session

Book a Reiki Treatment:

Reiki master hands Stefano P

Some of Reiki Benefits


  • Compliments medical treatment

  • Physical pain reduction in general

  • Helps in digestion

  • Accelerate the body's self-healing ability

  • Migraines and headaches reduction

  • Back pain reduction

  • Asthma

  • Reduce pain after surgery

  • Prepares the body for surgery (so that less anaesthesia is needed)

  • Quickens recovery time after surgery

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Supports the immune system

  • Supports pregnancy and childbirth

  • Assists the body in cleansing itself of toxins


  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit (stress, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, sadness and other unhealthy feelings)

  • It clears the mind and improves focus

  • Improves memory

  • Increase self-confidence

  • Aids better sleep


  • Helps spiritual growth

  • Enhances meditative states

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